Thursday, April 16, 2009

Getting what is coming to you

In the classic black-and-white gangster movie, particularly those starring Edward G. Robinson (man, they are the best ever), you hear this recurring line:

"I want what's coming to me."

The other person ominously promises:

"Yeah, you'll get what's coming to ya."

The first guy is expecting a payoff or something, but alas, he always gets whacked.

So, sometimes "getting what's coming to ya" isn't that grand.

Here's an example:

It's 15 April, TAX DAY. I just hit the send button. But I didn't really want what I had coming to me. But I got what was coming to me. POW!!! BLAM!!! SHOT DEAD!!!

So, when I think about taxes or anything else, really, I think I've landed on something.

I'd like not to get what's coming to me.

I'd like to get something better.

Something I didn't deserve.

Where do I get some of that?

Good news is that there is some of this out there - It's called grace.

And God's sending some of it your way.

Hear all about it Sunday at 11:00am at New Life Westmoreland (1988 Kirby Road, McLean, VA).

Want to ponder the thought in advance? Check out John 6:29.

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