Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Financial Peace University

New Life Westmoreland's first class just graduated from the Financial Peace University, and we are all ready to kick off the series for a second class!!!

This series highlights tips and secrets from financial genius Dave Ramsey.

The kick off session (which does not obligate you to complete the series), will be Sunday, March 22, at 5:00pm. The course will be held at the residence of Paul Gardiner (resident finance exert) - 12705 Nathan Lane, Herndon,VA 20170.

This session is geared for people who want to learn more about the course, and decide if they are interested in the full course.

The course is free, and the materials are $99 and include CDs, books, and forms.

The full course will begin Sunday, March 12 and will run each Sunday for 12 weeks at 5:00pm (with Holiday breaks pending). For more information you may email Paul at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're at all thinking of taking this class...DO IT! It will change your relationship with $ and your relationships with significant others too! In just 13 weeks I managed to pay off 2 credit card balances and establish my emergency fund...just in time for a life-altering lay off! If I hadn't taken this class at just the right time, I'd be in dire straights but thanks to it, I have some wiggle room! :) TAKE IT!!!